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地理位置 Environmental Pre-Law Major B.S.

  • 环境法和相关领域的准备
  • Preparation for law school
  • 环境和可持续发展规划方面的职业, resource management, natural areas preservation, outdoor and environmental education, and environmental assessment, 监控, and restoration

招生 Information

Degree Requirements

主要代码 BS4240

教师 联系: Dr. Harold Perkins

Program Overview

地理-环境法律预科专业旨在为学生在环境法和相关领域的职业生涯做好准备. 这个跨学科项目是独一无二的,因为除了要求学生为法学院做准备的社会科学课程之外, 它还需要在物理科学和课程连接人类和他们的环境的基础.

地理学家对地球上观察到的空间格局很感兴趣. Bridging the natural and social sciences, 地理学是一门研究环境以及人与环境相互作用的跨学科学科. 学习地理很重要,因为世界上的许多问题都需要了解人类活动与环境之间的相互依存关系. 因此,地理对学生来说是一个有益的专业,因为它的理论和方法为学生提供了与解决社会和环境问题相关的分析技能. 地理系提供8个专业,帮助学生调整学习重点.

该系致力于卓越的教学和咨询. 几位教师获得了教学奖, 教职员工以其高质量的建议而闻名于校园. As a geography major, 学生们在每学期的辅导周与他们的指导老师一对一会面, 我们也欢迎他们在整个学期的任何时候和他们的导师讨论任何有问题的时候. 除了为学生提供学术课程方面的建议, 该部门及时提供实习信息, nationally competitive awards, and other opportunities as they arise. Many students complete internships, 在过去的几年里,有几个人获得了全国竞争奖项.

职业生涯 and 研究生 School

获得地理-环境法律预科学位的学生为进入法学院做好了充分的准备, both in-状态 and around the nation. 对于那些选择在毕业后追求事业的人, 学生准备在各种各样的设置的位置. 这些包括, but are not limited to, environmental and sustainability planning, resource management, natural areas preservation, and outdoor and environmental education, as well as in environmental assessment, 监控, and restoration. 除了, graduates can seek careers in private and public firms and agencies that employ geographic information systems; education (public and private K-12 schools and higher education); local, 状态, or federal governments; city and regional planning agencies; and non-profit organizations.

浏览数十个实习机会和全职工作发布为bet8九州登录入口的学生和校友 握手, 俄亥俄州's key resource for researching jobs, 雇主, 研讨会, and professional development events.

招生 Information

Freshman/First-Year 入学: 没有超出大学入学要求的要求.

Change to Program Policy: No selective or limited admission requirements.

External Transfer 入学没有超出大学入学要求的要求.

Degree Requirements

University-wide Graduation Requirements


College-Level Requirements for the College of Arts & 科学

查看 College-Level Requirements for the College of Arts & 科学.

地理位置 – Environmental Pre-law Major (B.S.)

The major requirements for the B.S. 地理学位-环境法律预科是至少44小时的地理. 参加一些辅助课程,以满足大学通识教育要求和文理学院的要求.

地理位置 Foundations


  • GEOG 1100 - Physical 地理位置 Credit Hours: 4.0 (C or better grade required)
  • GEOG 1200 - Human 地理位置 Credit Hours: 3.0 (C or better grade required)
  • GEOG 2680 -介绍地理信息系统和测绘科学学时:4.0 (C or better grade required)
  • GEOG 2710 -地理统计学入门学时:3.0 (C- or better grade required)
  • GEOG 4800 -地理学高级研讨会学时:3.0

Technique/Method Course

Complete one of the following courses:

  • GEOG 3650 -空中照片判读学时:3.0
  • GEOG 4660 -遥感原理学时:4.0
  • GEOG 4710 -地理定量方法学时:3.0
  • GEOG 4711 -地理学定性方法.0
  • GEOG 4730 - Principles of GIS Credit Hours: 4.0

Program Requirements


Complete the following four required courses:

  • GEOG 2400 -环境地理学时:3.0
  • GEOG 3430 -全球环境问题学时:3.0
  • GEOG 3460 - Environmental Law Credit Hours: 3.0
  • GEOG 4470 -自然资源保护学时:3.0

Core Electives

Complete four of the following courses:

  • GEOG 3010 - 气象学 Credit Hours: 4.0
  • GEOG 3020 - Climatology Credit Hours: 4.0
  • GEOG 3160 - Biogeography Credit Hours: 3.0
  • GEOG 3210 - Population 地理位置 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • GEOG 3250 - Political 地理位置 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • 地理3290 -世界经济地理学时:3.0
  • GEOG 3410 -饥饿与粮食安全地理学.0
  • 地理3440 -农业生态系统学时:3.0
  • GEOG 3500 - Land Use Planning Credit Hours: 3.0
  • GEOG 3580 - Environmental Hazards Credit Hours: 3.0
  • GEOG 4110 -高级自然地理学时:3.0
  • GEOG 4170 - Landscape Ecology Credit Hours: 3.0
  • GEOG 4480 -移民和发展学时:3.0
  • GEOG 4520 -环境与可持续发展规划学时:3.0
  • GEOG 4560 -城市与环境.0

Supporting 课程


Complete one of the chemistry options.

化学 Option 1
  • 化学1210 -化学原理1学时:4.0
  • 化学1220 -化学原理II学时:4.0
化学 Option 2
  • 化学1510 -化学基础I学时:4.0
  • 化学1520 -化学基础II学时:4.0


Complete the following course:

  • PHIL 1200 -推理原则学时:3.0
推理 Elective

Complete one of the following courses:

  • COMS 2150 -论证分析和倡导学时:3.0
  • PHIL 1300 - Introduction to Ethics Credit Hours: 3.0
  • PHIL 3350 - Environmental Ethics Credit Hours: 3.0

Social 科学

Complete two of the following courses:

  • HIST 3090 -美国宪法史,第1部分:起源重建.0
  • HIST 3095 -美国宪法史,19世纪80年代至今.0
  • HIST 3330 -石油,波斯湾和世界权力学时:3.0
  • POLS 2200 - The Politics of Law Credit Hours: 3.0
  • POLS 4010 -美国宪法学时:3.0
  • POLS 4015 -宪法政治学分:3.0
  • POLS 4040 - Civil Liberties Credit Hours: 3.0
  • POLS 4067 - Women and Politics Credit Hours: 3.0