

Answers to frequently asked questions about equipment inventory 可以在下面找到. Clicking on a question's text will display the corresponding answer. If you have a question that is not answered below, please contact 金融.equipmentinventory@俄亥俄州.edu.


的 搬迁及盈余部 is in charge of the disposition of all equipment. If the equipment has a green University inventory tag an 设备状态变更表(Excel) must be completed and sent to the 设备库存 office.

Should I remove the asset inventory tag before sending the equipment to the 搬迁及盈余部?

No. Items are tracked by the asset tag until it is sold or disposed.

Can the department donate equipment that is no longer needed?

No. 请参阅 设备处置政策.

Can an employee keep equipment when they retire or leave the University?

No. 设备是bet8九州登录入口的财产.

Are shipping or warranty costs included in the cost of the capitalized asset?


Shipping is included in the cost of a capitalized asset and should be coded the same as the object code used to purchase the equipment.

Warranties are not included in the cost of the asset and should be coded as object code 717200.

Is software included in the cost of the capitalized asset?

Software is not usually an item that is capitalized unless it is purchased with equipment and the software is needed to run the equipment.

例子: QuickBooks software is purchased to be downloaded on a computer currently already in the department. This would not be capitalized and would not be tagged.

If the software is purchased with a new computer and is needed to run the computer then yes it would be capitalized.

示例1: Microsoft Office is standard software that is included in a new computer but may have a separate charge on the invoice. 的 cost of the software is capitalized with the computer if the combined cost is greater than $5,000.

示例2: A computer was purchased with specialized software to run new equipment. 所有的物品都是在同一个订单上购买的. If the computer cost and the software combined are greater than $5,000 then the computer would be capitalized with cost of the software included. 的 object code for the software and computer would be 741115.

我有一个标签,磨损或脱落. 我可以换一个新标签吗?

联系 设备库存 office to make arrangements to have the equipment retagged.

What do I do if there is equipment on the department’s inventory list that is not ours?

联系 设备库存 office with the tag number.

What do I do if we have equipment that is not on the inventory list?

联系 设备库存 office with the tag number.

的re is equipment on the list that is old and has no resale value. 我们要追踪设备多长时间?

的 equipment must be tracked until the item is no longer University property.


的 ability to take equipment off campus is at the discretion of the department. 如果物品被带离校园a Request to Take Equipment Off Campus form (Excel) needs to be completed, appropriately signed and a copy sent to the 设备库存 Office. 的 department should keep the original on file. When the equipment is returned to the department the bottom half of the Request to Take Equipment Off Campus form should be completed and a copy sent to the 设备库存 Office.

I am constructing/fabricating an item that will be moveable equipment and the cost of all the parts is going to be over the capitalization level of $5,当我完成的时候. I am purchasing parts from different vendors. What object code should I use when I purchase the parts?


If the equipment is going to be owned by the Sponsor upon completionCharge the cost of the parts whether they are over or under $5,000 to object code 744500 and contact 金融.grants@俄亥俄州.edu. When you are done constructing your item you will need to contact 金融.grants@俄亥俄州.edu 这样他们就可以给物品贴上红色标签.

If the equipment is going to be owned by the University upon completion: Charge the cost of the parts whether they are over or under $5,000 to object code 744600 and contact 金融.grants@俄亥俄州.edu. When you are done constructing your item you will need to contact 金融.grants@俄亥俄州.edu 这样他们就可以给物品贴上绿色标签.


Charge the cost of the parts whether they are over or under $5,000 to object code 715110 and contact 金融.equipmentinventory@俄亥俄州.edu. When you are done constructing your item you will need to contact 金融.equipmentinventory@俄亥俄州.edu 再来一次,这样他们就可以给商品贴上绿色标签.

What if we are using existing equipment as a trade in for a new purchase?

This will follow standard disposal procedures. See “Changes in Status of Equipment, Maintenance, and Disposition” section, http://www.OHIO.edu/Finance/accounting/green-tag-equipment

BCB不允许你输入学分. So, you will have to create the requisition net of the trade in allowance. Please make sure you add the appropriate detail to the description on the requisition and attach the quote showing the gross purchase the trade in allowance.

When completing the Equipment Status Change form be sure to mark that this is a trade-in and to include the PO for the new purchase.