

Creative, 活跃的, and Reflective Educators (护理)


  • 护理 自豪地与 Federal Hocking Secondary School.
  • 护理 is a partnership for Middle Childhood, Adolescent-to-Young成人, 多年龄专业, and begins in the fall of sophomore year. Students travel together as a cohort through the 护理 course of study, working immediately and continuously in Partnership Schools.
  • 护理 provides opportunities to learn how theory and practice are intertwined. In 护理, you learn how to apply theoretical concepts in real-time practice. You explore the nature of the child as a learner and how social, 情感, and economic factors impact teaching and learning in classrooms.

The Clinical Model Through the Lens of the 护理 Program



在民主社会里, 学校的主要作用是培养学生的心灵和思想习惯,使积极和充分的民主公民成为可能. As teachers in democratic classrooms, 你的责任不仅仅是为学生准备课程内容或未来的职业生涯. 教育 is not a neutral endeavor. 它既是一种社会活动,也是一种嵌入在不断变化的社会文化背景中的制度. Because we are not born knowing how to be democratic, 学校成为培养民主公民特质和特征的重要场所. The promises of democracy are extended to all citizens. How 学校s can foster democratic ideals such as equity, 社会正义, 自由, 责任, 社区, 容忍程度将受到检验.


学生将探索孩子作为学习者的本质和心理如何, 情感, 认知, and physical development impact learning and teaching in the classroom. The child comes to 学校 as a naturally curious learner and meaning-maker. 护理的学生将探索如何通过打开一扇通往世界的窗户,在各个年级保持这种自然奇观和好奇心. 学生将探索一系列儿童和青少年发展理论, as well as learn about how social, 文化, and economic factors impact the learner within the 学校 experience. We will seriously consider how all children can be educated well, paying attention to issues of difference such as socio-economic class, 比赛, 性别, 家庭结构.


课程 may be defined as the sum of the experiences a child has in 学校. 教师和其他人如何选择组织正式课程常常被忽视. Even less examined is the "hidden curriculum" and its impact on 学生. 教师的选择应以提高智力素质为前提, 道德, and social development of each child within the context of a democratic society. 学生将了解知识是如何组织和课程是如何创建的. 教科书将以建构主义和批判的眼光作为收集信息的众多资源之一进行审查. Other resources, including the 社区, will be explored.


在民主课堂中,教师的角色不仅仅是为学生提供信息,以增强他们的社交能力, 情感, and intellectual development through experience. Understanding that children have different learning styles, 教师将探索如何利用创造性和积极的策略,让孩子们体验不同的教育过程, as well as multiple ways to construct knowledge. 除了, 我们将探索各种方法,为儿童的学习提供更真实、更全面的评估. 也, 学生们将探索各种方法来创造一种不以惩罚或边缘化为中心的课堂社区感. 而, 教师将探索他们的教学方法如何为每个孩子创造一个包容和有意义的环境.


有创意的, 活跃的, 反思性教育者计划坚持教师教育的三个基本承诺. 这些是:(1)实践:最好的教师准备包括理论和实践的结合, 这两个领域相互联系,创造出更强的教学意识, (2)伙伴关系:教师的培养应包括实践教育工作者, 学生, and university researchers as an educational team, (3)致力于探索“多样性中的共同利益”的民主概念,因为它适用于一个地方, national and global citizenship. 除了, 教育应该在各种学习和服务的环境中与社区联系起来. 这些方法将使我们的教师在课堂上成为积极和有价值的教育领导者, 学校, 和社区.



二年级学生教育1010 (4)
教育2010 (3)
教育2015 (3)
教育2100 (4)
edsp2710 (3)
初级EDCR 3100
Reading sequence required for Middle Childhood 许可 only**
EDTE 2020
EDCR 4100 (offered if demand permits)
高级Methods courses as appropriate*专业实习

*护理 学生 register for methods courses on their own. 

**The reading sequence is required ONLY for the MC licensure.

"We must be the change we wish to see in the world.——圣雄甘地

  • 所有护理的学生都必须符合专业教育和高级学位的资格. 和David H. 巴顿教育学院. 请务必参加适当的会议,并在适当的时候提交申请. You will also need to apply for student teaching when appropriate. 请确保在你的任何申请表上清楚地标明你是护理的学生.
  • Candidates no longer need to register for 护理 classes through 护理 faculty.
  • Leave the times open for the applicable 护理 courses, 然后在你剩下的时间里填上我们教学领域的课程, and other university requirements as needed.


通常, at the end of the freshman year, 教育专业的学生可以申请进入在大二秋季学期开始的护理项目. 同时,学生应符合并申请教师候选人资格在格拉迪斯W. 和David H. 巴顿教育学院. Once 护理 applications are received, 护理学院将审查所有的申请,然后安排对被选中的申请人的面试.




The application is currently under revision. 请回来查看更新.




除了 to teaching with the 护理 Program, 安细胞 teaches language arts at Federal Hocking High School and Middle School. 在跳频, 她经营着FH戏剧俱乐部, 监督实习教师, 导师新老师, 她是教师中心的负责人, which organizes professional development for the FH staff. 除了 to her teaching degree, she holds a B.A. in theater from The University of Akron. She is also the proud parent of two Lancers.  Ann teaches EDCR 2100 and EDCR 3100. Both are general methods classes with an emphasis on progressive practice.

Jadey吉尔摩在私立和公立学校的各个层面都有丰富的教学经验. 自从来到联邦霍金,她在埃姆斯维尔和中学任教. 具体地说, 她先教书, 第二个, and third grade (she "looped" with these 学生, staying with them all three years), sixth-grade language arts and social studies, and 7th and 8th grade English/language arts. 除了 to teaching for the 护理 partnership, she also teaches in The 巴顿教育学院's Early Childhood Program. Jadey and her family live in 雅典. Jadey teaches EDCR 2010, "Childhood in America, Birth Through Elementary School." 

莫莉是埃姆斯维尔小学的幼儿专家(K-2阅读和干预),也是埃姆斯维尔小学的护理老师联络员. 以前, 她曾在雅典-梅格斯ESC担任巡回教师和幼儿助理协调员. 她一生的大部分时间都生活在雅典郡(在德国短暂停留过一段时间)!) and with her husband is raising three lovely children.

*Molly teaches EDSP 2710, "Introduction to Exceptionalities."


我想说,加入护理项目是我在公开大学做过的最好的学术决定. 在你大二的时候加入这个团队,你就有了一群老师和同学,他们将以某种身份陪伴你直到毕业. 我和我的几个同学仍然是亲密的朋友,并且仍然把我以前的许多导师视为值得信赖的导师.

护理 partnering so closely with Federal Hocking Schools is also fantastic. 护理课程的指导老师都是Fed Hock的员工,所以无论是在校园里还是实习地点,都有很多熟悉的地方. +, 护理的学生很有可能会回到Fed Hock学校进行专业实习, and being able to go back to a 学校, maybe even a specific teacher and 学生, where you've already established a presence is very rewarding and easy.  ——本·道森