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Project Team


Group Membership Responsibilities
Advisory Groups

RC Strategy

Representatives from Academic and Academic Support Units to participate in project activities during the redesign of the COA.
Project Management Renee Mascari Project Management controls and guides the project on a day to day basis.
Steering Committee
  • Deb Shaffer
  • Craig Bantz
  • Shelley Ruff
  • Barb Wharton
  • Julie Allison
  • Amanda Davis
  • Beth Meiser
Executive Sponsorship and ultimate decisions makers for the project. When issues cannot be resolved by the Core Team/PMO they will be raised to the Steering Committee for resolution.

Core Project Team

Change Management and Communication

  • Amanda Davis
  • Leigh Casal


  • Tina Payne


  • Chad Mitchell


  • Shelly Downs
  • Kim Trout

Capital Projects Finance

  • Nancy Graves

Controller's Office

  • Julie Allison
  • Kris Sano

Foundation Operations

  • Candice Casto

Financial and Administrative Systems

  • Beth Meiser 

Grants and Contracts Accounting

  • Cindy Perry
  • Mo Valentine

Human Resources/Payroll

  • Colleen Bendl

Office of Information Technology

  • Brian Bowe
  • Jason Winchell
  • Renee Mascari

Procurement and Contract Services

  • Diana McGrew

Resource Centered Management

  • John Day

Treasury Management

  • Robin Schaffer

Responsibilities: Functional Owners and Subject Matter Experts are accountable for decision making within their process area. Leads will participate in bi-weekly project updates.

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