

采购 at bet8九州登录入口 is handled in two phases:

  1. Procurement of goods and services. This is handled by Procurement and Contract Services.
  2. Payment for delivered goods and services. This is handled by Accounts Payable.

Our mission is to serve the University with a customer-centric focus. We provide expertise in procurement sourcing, 风险管理, and timely payment to the University's external suppliers while ensuring compliance with the Ohio Revised Code, 大学政策, 和公认会计准则. 一起工作, the University community can reduce costs through collective purchasing and efficient payment processing. Our goal centers around assisting the planning units in saving money and resources that can be used to support the University's core educational and research activities while protecting the institution from unacceptable risk.

Suppliers and vendors wishing to do business with the University should visit our 供应商信息页面.


Most purchases will be completed using the University's eProcurement application, bet8九州登录入口. This allows the University to electronically monitor and issue Purchase Orders (POs) to suppliers.

旅行 and some low-cost purchases may be made using a 采购卡(PCard). These cards may only be used for official University business and have transaction limits in place. Cardholders are expected to follow the PCard规则和指导方针 and must complete a training before obtaining their card.

Uniform Guidance 采购 Standards

The Micro-Purchase Threshold (MPT), required by Uniform Guidance was implemented on July 1, 2018年包括 M-18-18 OMB Statutory changes. In an effort to reduce the impact and keep administrative burden for principal investigators and researchers as low as possible, the University requested and received approval on November 13, 2018, from the University’s federal oversight agency, to adjust the MPT limit to $50,000 (from the current level of $10,000).  作为这个变化的结果, the requirement to obtain three (3) quotes for expenditures against federal awards, 已经被淘汰了. 

This change aligns both the University competitive bidding threshold (as required under the Ohio Revised Code section 125.05 MPT是5万美元.  所有的购买都是50美元,000或更多, against any source of funds (including federal), must be competitively bid through 采购.

For further information, please consult bet8九州登录入口 Federal Procurement 指导方针和 采购政策(55).030).