

Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and Requests for Quotes (RFQs) allow an open bidding process for any goods, 服务, and/or construction projects that are over set bid limits. This allows the University to lower costs by selecting suppliers who can meet the request's needs most efficiently. The bidding process must be transparent and compliant with all state and federal regulations outlined for a public institution. The process will allow suppliers an equal opportunity to bid for bet8九州登录入口 business and to know the selection criteria for which the bid will be awarded. All documents involved in the process become public record once the award is granted.


Bid limits are calculated on a per year, per supplier basis. 很少有例外, all purchases that represent a commitment over the following bid limits must be competitively bid:

  • 商品和服务: $50,000
  • 建设: $250,000

The University maintains a list of preferred suppliers with whom contracts have been negotiated. For these suppliers, bidding will 不 be required, regardless of dollar amount.


如果一个项目不是投标豁免的候选项目, 或者投标豁免被拒绝, 该项目将进行竞标. Procurement Commodity Managers will work with departments throughout this process.


  1. Provide a list of suppliers to invite to participate
  2. Provide history and current information surrounding the need for this good or service
  3. Provide the full scope and description of the good or service
    • 项目开始和结束日期
    • 期望合约长度
    • 项目目标、目的、任务和可交付成果
  4. 提供具体的提案评估标准
  5. Provide specific requirements to be met for the RFP
    • 标前会议日期
    • 行业认证或执照
    • 系统的兼容性
  6. 确定遴选委员会成员
  7. Meet as a committee to identify score sheet criteria and their weights
  8. 从校园伙伴那里寻求更多的意见
    • 资讯科技署
    • 俄亥俄州运输服务公司
    • 房地产及契约
    • 研究和赞助项目办公室
    • 环境健康与安全
  9. 概述审查过程和时间表
  10. 审核并批准RFP草案

University representatives must refrain from discussing the bid with suppliers participating in bidding process. 他们可以相互作用来进行正常的业务.


  1. 与部门合作制定RFP
    • 时间轴
    • 当前信息和详细范围
    • 计分表标准
  2. 向俄亥俄州公共采购门户网站发布RFP
  3. Create an addendum to add additional information if necessary
  4. Consolidate all formal questions into one document to provide to department(s) for answers
  5. Post answers to questions on Ohio's Public Sourcing Portal
  6. 在截止日期之后下载所有回复, review each response for completeness of RFP deliverables, 并与评选委员会分享
  7. 联络遴选委员会讨论:
    • 投标响应
    • 委员会评分
    • Which proposals can be eliminated from consideration
    • 哪些提案将被考虑进入决赛
    • Scheduling presentations with finalists (if applicable)
  8. 联系 selection committee, if presentations take place, to discuss:
    • 哪个演讲最受欢迎
    • 第二轮计分
    • 是否要求最佳和最终报价(BAFO)
    • 哪位入围选手是中标者
  9. Prepare and present a formal recommendation to the head of Procurement Services
  10. Issue the intent to award 不ification to the winning bidder once approval is granted by management
    • At this point, communication between the department and the bidder may resume
    • Unsuccessful bidders will be 不ified once the intent to award 不ification has been delivered to the winning bidder
    • 如果协议是必要的, Contract Services will work with the supplier to negotiate contract details
    • Once a contract has been fully executed and a purchase order has been issued, the RFP process is considered complete and product delivery or 服务 may begin


The 可负担性和效率 Task Force Mandate states University constituents must procure goods and 服务 where a University contract exists for those goods or 服务. 豁免 from this mandate may be approved in extenuating circumstances; however, such exemptions must be reported to the Board of Trustees and the Governor’s Office of the State of Ohio. To qualify for a bid waiver, all of the following must apply:

  • You are requesting to purchase goods or 服务 in which the University holds a published agreement (insert url) for same from a supplier 不 under contract with the institution.
  • You are requesting a purchase greater than the bid limits.
    • The dollar amount of the entire purchase should be considered, 不 the value of the individual items. 
    • 购买可能  be split for the primary purpose of avoiding bidding requirements.
  • 所选供应商尚未签订合同. 

Whether or 不 an exemption will be approved depends on the support provided within the Request for Waiver from Competitive Bidding [Excel]. 豁免可能获批准的原因包括:

  • 供应商是该产品的唯一来源
    • 艺术作品
    • 专用物品(专用科学设备), 研究的连续性, 不可否认的兼容性要求)
    • Specialized 服务 (areas where the supplier has a one-of-a-kind ability to provide the required service)
    • 不寻常的、不常见的二手设备
  • The item will be attached to existing equipment and must be compatible
  • 此次购买是对现有软件的升级
  • 因为不可预知的紧急情况, there is no time for a bid (vital equipment repair where work needs to begin immediately to meet emergency need)
  • The item is part of an existing grant or joint agreement where a specific item and supplier are defined

It is important to provide documentation with your bid waiver request. If reasoning or documentation for your waiver request is insufficient, 请求可能会被拒绝. 

Departments are urged to keep in mind that failure to request a bid waiver before procuring goods or 服务 above the bid limit is in violation of University purchasing policy. Procurement 服务 should be contacted immediately in this case to set up an emergency bid waiver request. As no formal agreement was established between the University and the supplier, 请求可能会被拒绝, leaving the liability for the expense on the requestor.